Michelle Love was born and raised in San Antonio, Texas. She received her BFA from UTSA with a primary emphasis in Painting and secondary emphasis in New Media. She has assisted with mural projects for San Anto Cultural Arts and Northwest Vista College. Love has also exhibited her works locally in various venues such as Blue Star Arts Complex, Southwest School of Arts, Bihl Haus Arts and Presa House Gallery.



“From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity.” – Edvard Munch

“We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun. But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.” – Seasons in the Sun by Rod McKuen / Jacques Brel / Terry Jacks

Flower Power was inspired by the cycle of Life. Flowers symbolize the beauty of Life and celebration of the joyful moments that make Life worth living. However, flowers don’t last forever. They bloom and wilt and die. But Life goes on. When one flower is plucked another grows to take its place.

I was thinking about the generations that have come before me and will continue on beyond me. All the people who have lived and died throughout the ages, their struggles and successes unknown to most of us. Some did great things for humanity. Some did great things for their family. Some did great things for themselves. I wish I could have known them all. But their spirit lives on in the things they leave behind for us.

Life is a strange little game. There is a time limit…but we can never be certain how long it is! Time stops for no one, we are all constrained by it and must work around it, weaving in and out of its iron bars like ivy on a gate. The clock is ticking…a constant reminder….what do you want to do with your life?