Celeste De Luna is a Tejana visual artist from the lower Rio Grande Valley of South Texas. De Luna’s artwork explores the geo-political aspects of Texas landscape. The results are large scale relief prints, quilts, and installation which are political commentary with a feminist sensibility. She lives and works in San Antonio and has shown her work nationally and internationally in New York, Chicago, and Morelia, Michoacán. De Luna is also the co-founder of 2017 Art Place America recipients Las Imaginistas art collective and a 2020 Vermont Studio Center Resident Artist.

Crystal Visions was inspired by migration of threatened animals in Texas. Obstacles in our environment like the loss of habitat and wildlife corridors due to destructive building kills hundreds of animals like ocelots every year. This skull is ode to those animals killed in migration and a wish that animals in the future are granted vision to be able to negotiate barriers and obstacles they encounter in their routes. My love of animals and concern for our beautiful Texas landscape include sunflowers which grow wild but also are flower which underneath the soil share nutrients and roots. Together people and animals can share resources so that we can all live together in harmony.