I’m Enrique Martinez, originally from El Paso, TX. I am an artist, and educator living in San Antonio, TX.

My skull, “El Paso” represents the passage of the dead, into our mortal realm on the Day of the Dead.
One side of “El Paso” depicts my interpretation of Mictlantecuhtli, Aztec god of the underworld and guardian of the bones of the dead. He is depicted with large eyes, to aid his vision in the underworld and with arms raised to strike fear into others.
The face of El Paso is adorned with colorful patterns, cempoalxochitl and arms reaching out to coax the dead from their resting place.
Monarch butterflies are also depicted fluttering around the face of the skull. The annual migration of Monarch butterflies to central Mexico, is emblematic of the passage that the dead make into the land of the living on El Dia de los Muertos. Butterlfy’s are depicted here for that reason. On top of the skull is Quetzacotl, god of wind and a central figure in the Aztec creation myth. Here is further guiding the dead on their passage to the other side.